Stacking of sleep aids is often necessary to achieve the best results for sleep. Stacking is a stepwise process to find the best combination of aids to help with sleep if the Sleep Tuner does not work well enough by itself. If sleep aids are already being used, is recommended to add the Sleep Tuner to the regimen. If the results of adding the Sleep Tuner are successful, a trial off one or more of the sleep aids may be discontinued or reduced, to see what the minimum “stack” is needed. This process will be trial and error.
One element of every stack should be sleep hygiene strategies, which should never be eliminated. Examples of elements of a sleep stack could include the Valerian, chamomile, 5-HTP, melatonin, CBD, etc. and/or binaural beat Delta sound, hematite magnetic necklace, vagal nerve stimulation, etc. Sometimes, the effectiveness of the Sleep Tuner may be enhanced when other sleep aids are taken between half an hour to 2 hours before bedtime, so that adequate blood and tissue levels may be achieved to be able to work effectively and synergistically with the Sleep Tuner.